Title: 2021 AMPA Online
Date: 2021.04.07~2021.05.06
Official Website: https://www.taipeiampa.com.tw
Description: AMPA 2021 to take place virtually and physically !
The Taipei International Automobile & Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Show (AMPA) will be held on April 14-17, 2021 at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall 1. Supported by the automobile aftermarket industry, the show will take place both virtually and physically, where worldwide industry peers can still meet and get business done from afar.
Due to COVID-19, AMPA’s digital transformation arrived much earlier than anticipated, and AMPA Online show will return with more improved and personalized features, such as online catalogue and video display, online chat tools, video conference, digital business cards exchange, and optimized search bar based on your procurement needs. Additional online events such as AMPA tour series, live stream events, online procurement meetings and online new product launch will continue to be held along with a brand new “AMPA Insight” that will give the industry an inside peek into the factories and piece together the process of building a futuristic car.
Symbio,Inc will be one of AMPA online exhibitors in this year. We invite you to visit us on AMPA Online. Remember to mark 2021/04/07-05/06 on your calendar, we welcome the opportunity to get to know you better and offer what we have for you.
Look forward to seeing you at the exhibition!