Title: 9th International Hardware & Tools Expo Tokyo [道工具・作業用品 Expo]
Date: 2019.10.09 ~ 2019.10.11 (3 Days)
Official Website: https://www.tooljapan.jp/en-gb.html
Location: Makuhari Messe, Japan(日本幕張國際展覽中心)
Booth location: 9-7
TOOL JAPAN is Japan's leading trade show specialised in tools and hardware. From hand/power tools to wears and gears, all kinds of tools which are necessary in the working places are showcased under one roof. 45,000 visitors from home centres, DIY shops, importers, wholesalers, etc., gather from around the world to source the latest products. Exhibitors and visitors are expected to increase continuously, reaching 700 exhibitors in five years.
Symbio is one of the exhibitors this year and we invite you to join us at our booth. We welcome the opportunity to get to know you better and show you what we have to offer.
Look forward to seeing you at the exhibition!