Title: NEPCON Vietnam 2019
Date: 2019.9.11 ~ 2019.9.13 (3 Days)
Official Website: https://www.nepconvietnam.com/
Location: I.C.E. Hanoi (Cung Van Hoa) / 91 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Booth location: G06
NEPCON Vietnam 2019 will be the place where technology providers will meet more than 10,000 electronics industrialists from across Vietnam and ASEAN in the most effective manner. Complete with business-inducing functions and services, once you become an exhibitor, you will start reaching your buyers even before the show days through the event's year-round promotional campaigns, powerful and effective digital marketing packages, as well as business matching programs to establish collaborative relationships with potential customers.
We sincerely welcome professionals from industrial and commercial circles across the world to share business opportunities in the great event!
Look forward to seeing you at the exhibition!